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Bridge openings in Gothenburg

Svenska | English

This page shows the opening times for the moveable bridges over the Göta Älv in Gothenburg. Further information that may be relevant for marine traffic can be found in the Swedish Maritime Administration’s Notice to Mariners (NtM) database.

Hisingen Bridge

(57–42,9N 11–58,1E) Nautical chart 9312, 1352

Vertical lift bridge with a vertical clearance of 12 m when closed (max. 28 m when open).

Temporary restrictions for the fairway is to seen in Notices to Mariners are found at Sjöfartsverket (sjofartsverket.se).

Recreational boating are not allowed to use the guide jetties for docking (see red lines in picture below), waiting for a bridge opening. Use the floating bridges (se green circles in picture below), for the intended purpose.

Use float bridges while waiting for bridge opening (green circles)
Picture: The Swedish Maritime Administration


The bridge opens for boats after contact with the bridge operator and according descriptions below, for merchant shipping and recreational boating.
In order to open the bridge, contact the bridge operator on channel 9 of VHF radio or phone number +46 730-27 72 72 .

Bridge openings for recreational boating are scheduled by a timetable and bridge openings for merchant shipping occur on request during the day except for “restricted times”.

The “restricted times” are restrictions during the morning and afternoon peak commute, to help keep road traffic moving during busy hours (except for urgent reasons). Then the bridge stays closed to marine traffic, and open for roadtraffic, weekdays from 6.00-9.00 AM and from 3.00-600 PM, except for public holidays.

If you download the app Trafiken.nu, it is possible to set up your own “Subscription”, where you can receive push notifications when something happens on a selected road section or area including bridge opening. These notices can also be received for other types of events in the traffic system.

The average bridge opening, from the time road traffic stops, to the time it resumes, lasts about 8-12 in average. However shorter or longer openings occur. In case not all boats can pass during a normal opening, an extra bridge opening is made after about 20-30 minutes.

Opening times

The bridge opens for merchant shipping when at least one boat requests a bridge opening, at following opening times:

Weekdays: Midnight – 6 a.m.; 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.; 6 p.m. – midnight
Weekends/public holidays: Midnight – midnight

The bridge opens for recreational boating when at least one boat requests a bridge opening, at following opening times below:

Bridge openings recreational boating

*Summer refers to the period when Västtrafik operates according to the summer timetable, which is from approximately the middle of June to the middle of August.
During 2024 the summer timetable refers to the period between 12 th of June until the 18 th of August.

The bridge is owned by the City of Gothenburg.

Marieholm Bridges

(57–43,7N 11–59,6E) Nautical chart 9312, 1352

:: Swing bridge with a vertical clearance of 5.9 m when closed.

In order to open the bridge, contact the bridge operator on channel 9 of VHF radio or phone number +46 730-27 72 72.

The bridge is owned by the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket).

Sidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-02-03